As longtime residents know, Santa Rosa is proud of its historic neighborhoods: Burbank Gardens, Cherry Street, McDonald, Olive Park, Railroad Square, Ridgway, St. Rose, and West End. In fact, the city tries to keep these neighborhoods as protected as possible to preserve their charm.

These neighborhoods are almost all charming, with distinct personalities. However, buying a home in one comes with a set of requirements that can make it stressful, and often costly, for the homeowners. In essence, don’t expect to have a project house that can be updated – the city has guidelines that will need to be followed:

Rehabilitation standards:

Uses of the property should result in minimal changes to the defining characteristics of the building. These standards (summarized) are to be applied in a reasonable manner, also taking into consideration economic and technical feasibility:

  • The historic character should be retained and preserved
  • Significant changes over time should also be preserved
  • Distinctive features should be preserved
  • Deteriorated historic features should be repaired rather than replaced, whenever possible
  • Treatments that can cause damage to historic features should be avoided
  • New work should be compatible with but differentiated from the old

That all being said, it can be a special point of pride to own a house that’s such an integral part of Santa Rosa’s history.

Click through our gallery above to preview the currently listed homes in historic districts in Santa Rosa.